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Swings & Sings

Kelli Grant > Western Swing

Silverfalls Records
© (821137712327) (format: CD-R)


1. rstp://" class="imCssLink">Goody,  Goody

rstp://"class="imCssLink">Walkin' My Baby Back Home

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Zing, Went the Strings of My Heart

rstp://"class="imCssLink">My Blue Heaven

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Hodge Podge
w/m Kelli Grant the Queen of Swing

rstp://"class="imCssLink">Swing Me Back to Texas
w/m Kelli Grant the Queen of Swing

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Roly Poly

rstp://"class="imCssLink">I'm Satisfied with You

rstp://"class="imCssLink">Midnight in Old Amaillo

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Don't Mess with Texas
w/m Kelli Grant the Queen of Swing

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Bubbles in My Beer

rstp://" class="imCssLink">There Ain't No Doubt
w/m Kelli Grant the Queen of Swing

13. rstp://" class="imCssLink">One Heart to Give
w/m Kelli Grant the Queen of Swing

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Across the Alley from the Alamo

rstp://" class="imCssLink">Stand Up for the U.S.A.
w/m Kelli Grant the Queen of Swing

Piano Poundin' Rhythm Rockin' Bass Kickin'

                 the Queen of Swing®
              Kelli Grant
(821137712327) (format: CD-R)
FOUR STARS * * * *

   author: Froggy Warden Pres, Cowtown Music Society

FIVE STARS * * * * *
 Academy of Western Artist - Will Rogers Award

Kelli's new CD, "Swings & Sings" is a wonderful eclectic mix that "swings" East & West. Nominated by her piers for the coveted position of Texas State Musician, the CD demonstrates her versatility as a singer and … musician, as the Swing Queen "swings" on several different instruments. She always plays on her CD's but this time we just sat back, turned the recorder on and let her play ,,

And play she did: Drums, Banjo, Clarinet, Bari Sax, Organ, and her Signature Piano and Bass, & whistles ... TEXAS STATE MUSICIAN NOMINEE (Oh, yeah!)

Known for her Rock-a-Billy piano style, Kelli recorded with a couple of Rock-a-Billy legends: "Groovy" Joe Poovey & "Mr. Action" Roy Moss. Both R&B legends, Carl Perkins and Roy Moss took notice of Kelli’s unique piano style and tagged her, "the Queen of Swing," now a registered trademark. With a pulse driving right hand rhythm and gyrating piano leads coupled with an unsurpassed left hand walking bassline, Kelli‘s signature piano style, "swings" in the truest definition of the word.

The CD kicks off with "Goody, Goody" with the Swing Queen combining the musical characteristics of Benny Goodman & Frankie Lymon, to make it swing & rock. Focusing on her rock-a-billy roots, "Walking My Baby Back Home" & "My Blue Heaven" are unique ideas complimenting each of the classic tunes in her own "Swing-a-Billy" style. Often compared to Judy Garland, Kelli performs a very passionate rendition of "Zing, Went the Strings of My Heart". Kelli solidifies her Swing title with her own SWING tune original,

"Hodge Podge"

Kelli has been listed, charted and recognized in a variety of genres:

R&B, Blues, Jazz, Western Swing, Country, Rock-a-Billy, Pop & they all "SWING". She calls her musical style:
And that pretty well nails it. ;o) And …. she is the only one that can legally claim it ..

As we said the CD, "Swings" East & West.

Being from Texas and the Queen of Swing?, Kelli salutes Texas’ sights & sounds with her tribute, "Don’t Mess With Texas". A colorful & descriptive lyric that wowed!!! the Texas Department of Transportation which issued a special license for use of their logo. Another original that may become a true classic is, "There Ain’t No Doubt". But the song that everyone is talking about is …
                                    "Swing Me Back to Texas" featuring a few former Texas Playboys, Kelli introduces each as she showcases each instrument.

Never a copy but always an original Kelli can; not only dream an idea, but has the competence, the talent and the determination to produce it. Ladies & Gentlemen this is …

the Queen of Swing, Kelli Grant

** "Don’t Mess With Texas" registered with The Texas Department of Transportation


Kelli Grant : Swing-a-Billy Music – CD; Silverfalls Records

Kindly Submitted by Three Star Promotions

Style : Swing
Rate :
***** 5 Stars
The Queen of Swing is back! This time with a CD filled with music from yesteryear and tunes written by Miss Grant in that old time style. Bringing an ode to the mid thirties music, Kelly brings her music, playing a variety of instruments. Next to the usual piano, Kelli also takes on the clarinet, banjo, drums, organ and sax! The music swings like the heydays of the big bands, but this is of course not a big band! But Swing doesn't need to be big band! Swing is a musical style that can be played with a trio as well as with a big band!

"Goody Goody", "Walking My Baby Back home", "Zing Went the strings", "I'm Satisfied With you"
or "Across the Alley from the Alamo"
are well known tunes that appear on this album! Additional Miss grant composed some swinging tunes for this album as well. "Swing Me Back to Texas", "Don't Mess with Texas" and "There Ain't No Doubt " are well known tunes that appear on this album! Additional Miss Grant composed some swinging tunes for this album as well. "Swing Me Back to Texas", "Don't Mess with Texas" and "There Ain't No Doubt " are  worth your attention. Two tunes who also made it to the album but aren't in any particular swing style are "Stand Up for the USA" and "One Heart to Give". Both are self-penned tunes that Kelli made for her parents! Especially "One Heart to Give" is one that is very dear to Kelli Grant! It took her a long time to record this tune, but she finally did it.

Swing-a-Billy Music, the Queen of Swing is presenting her original sound and style! No compromises for that lady, only real music and real people are involved and above all a sound that is distinctive and unique.

Mr Blue Boogie

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