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Blues to Me!

Kelli Grant

Three Star Promotions.NET
  © (821137711726) (format: CD-R)

Blues to Me!
Kelli Grant,
the Queen of Swing

& the Swing Kings


This highly acclaimed singer/songwriter demonstrates the diverse styles & formats of the “BLUES”: Swing Blues, Jump Blues, Rhythm & Blues, Country Blues, Western Swing Blues and the purest form of blues, Kelli’s award winning low down, dirty, nasty sounding pure blues. Her new CD, “Blues to Me!“ is considered by some, to be one of the most comprehensive collections of the blues ever published with 9 of the 12 cuts Kelli’s own. Kelli received an “Honorable Mention” from Billboard for her R&B original, “The Way Love Use to Be” off her “Honky Tonk Swing” CD.

The CD gained national attention when the Grammy reviewing board placed it on the list for voting consideration for the 46 th Grammy Awards. It was NOT NOMINATED; however, 2 of her own were among the only
48 names in consideration for:

         "Best Traditional R&B Vocal Performance"
Strut My Stuff" & "B-A-D, BAD"

Best Contemporary Blues Album

And her patriotic hit,
"Stand Up for the U.S.A" - "Song of the Year, "

   …proclaimed the unofficial anthem of the 21 st Century by Mike Gross, WVOF, Connecticut.

Stand Up for the U.S.A.“ was written several years before the obscene act of September 11 th, 2001, as a gift for her father who had served in the Navy aboard the USS Core. Considering 911 to be one of the “bluest” days in America’s history, Kelli felt it was only natural to include it on the “Blues to Me!“ CD.

It is respectfully placed at #11 to honor the victims and families of September 11, 2001  …we will always remember.


Piano Poundin' * Bass Kickin' * Rhythm Rockin'

showman was publicly proclaimed, “an extraordinary entertainer.” Tagged, the Queen of Swingâ by R&B legend, Carl Perkins all who hear, agree. But it is not as much a title as it is a testament to Kelli’s unique yet awesome signature piano style that “swings” in the truest definition of the word. With a push driving rhythm coupled with “swing-a-billy,” gyrating leads, Kelli’s left hand plays the bassline as she SINGS. (the foundation to all “swing” is the 4/4 walking bassline and a strong rhythm.) A very unique talent.
At the tender age of 7, Kelli’s Mother taught her to walk the chord since her hands were too small to reach the octave and 10 th’s her Mother was playing. Over the years, Kelli has cultivated and perfected her lefthand into a truly awesome bassline and she IS the backbone of her band and … It is all LIVE!
Kelli did extensive research in writing her highly acclaimed original revue, "Swingin' the Blues." She is on the Mid-America Arts Alliance touring roster with co-funding by the National Endowment of the Arts. Written and designed by the Swing Queen as a clever and unique way to introduce her recordings, the show is both educational as it is entertaining. The Swing Queen follows “SWING’S” evolution into a musical revolution, “Rock ’n Roll.” as she carries the audience down a  musical highway of Blues, Jazz and Swing. From New Orleans to New York City, Chicago to Kansas City and Memphis to Texas, Kelli starts with the “jazz” of the Roarin’ 20’s, moans the depression blues of the 30’s, “swing’s” thru the War torn 40’s, “Rocks” the fabulous 50’s and “twist” into the 60’s. She concludes (most shows) with a salute to our Veterans performing her passionate and somber patriotic hit, “Stand Up for the U.S.A.”

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